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Kindergarten Schedule

  • Arrival is 7:40 a.m. to 7:55 a.m.
    • If you are tardy, please sign your child in through the office
  • Dismissal begins at 2:50 p.m. 
    • Aftercare begins promptly after dismissal and must be previously registered to attend
  • Early dismissal days begin at 11:20 a.m. 
  • Our PE classes are Mondays and Tuesdays, so students should come to school dressed in their PE uniforms and tennis shoes on those days.
  • Dress uniforms and shoes are to be worn Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Please note belts do not have to be worn in Kindergarten so it is easier for them to use the restroom. 
  • We have snack and lunch every day, so please send your child in with their lunchbox and explain to them which items are to be eaten for snack and which for lunch as it can be confusing at first. 
  • Please note we are not able to heat lunch items.
  • Please make sure your child is able to open snack and lunch containers independently.
  • Please make sure your child has all of the silverware they need to eat all of the items brought. 
  • Students should bring their reusable water bottle with them to school every day and take them home every afternoon to be washed. They can refill their water bottles throughout the day as needed with clean filtered water here at school. They’ll take their water bottles with them to PE and recess so they can drink as needed. Staying hydrated is so important! 
  • We attend Mass as a school and parish family on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 a.m. Please join us!

Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School